"Drama" says Anon - Twitter really is a filthy toxic place.
An antifascist activist was being blackmailed & slandered in a most heinous manner - fact.
I'm not "unhinged" neither is @fionapettit71 - as for someone who makes up malicious stories about being hounded off twitter etc...slanders someone by calling them a rapist & then blackmails them using this slanderous lie - I'd say unhinged yes & dangerous, very dangerous in book
Associating with a liar & a blackmailer and someone who slanders an antifascist activist as a rapist & whose close associates say same person is responsible for "attacks" on her house I'd say is as bad as it gets tbh.
This is not "in-fighting" thanks.
This is about an antifascist activist defending herself from threats, slanderous lies and blackmail from a woman who says she's not antifascist "no-antifa" & her associates who certainly going by their actions are not 100% also not antifascists.
My god - shock horror - I asked an anon account to unfollow me if they support a malicious liar & a blackmailer.
You see worse on Twitter on any day, even when it's sunny around here.
This person must be a very sheltered twitter user.
"Attacking" an Anon account by asking them to unfollow you if they support a malicious liar & blackmailer.

I "told" you Anon to do nothing apart from unfollow me. Ffs, these twitteratis. Lol state of them.
You would prefer not to have been told the truth, about how your friends are spreading slanderous lies & blackmailing an antifascist activist? Wow. As you said Mo, "Boo hoo".
Oh these people were close, in fact very close. Thanks Anon. As for you? sure who knows eh...anon.
And let's just add a little more anon sludge into the mix shall we.
Christ these anon ppl can be so very eh...sludgey. agressive? Really that's terrible I hope they had good reason, like defending themselves against malicious lies or blackmail...
Oh no we don't know who you are anon, you most certainly know who we are.
"Don't care what their beef is" - funny that these ppl do not want to know, or refuse to accept the truth, isn't it. Creepy, weird and fucked up.
But this is twitter.
Mo I repeat your own words back to you, "Boo hoo".
"every single action by everybody" - woman & friends say she was hounded off twitter, same ppl spread malicious lies, then come threats, slander & blackmail. Other side = woman defends herself against slanderous lies & blackmail
You are describing people defending a fellow antifascist activist against malicious lies, threats and blackmail, from ppl incl someone, who by her own admission is not antifascist, as bullies!!!
Be careful, that rubber band is about to snap and hit you in the eye.
I could not give a fuck if you or anyone else continues to publish my dms - not one fuck.
This from an anon that was involved in antifascist work, apparently.
But now they're not interested in an antifascist activist being slandered/ blackmailed by a woman who self declares as NOT being antifascist.
Mad eh & not all of us have protection to talk shit frm behind a mask
Now back to spin doctoring - we wanted to be chatting in a box without anons, if u wanted in u couldn't be anon/not known to some, fair, this is antifascism work afterall. As for this person's id it's so far back I can't even remember it but insinuation I would release it, sick!!
"Hearsay" LIES
the slanderous lies & blackmail was sent in a text message & witnessed in direct conversation by at least three ppl.
How many ppl this Aneta one repeated this slander to we will probably never know.

"Futile" - slander & blackmail should NEVER be tolerated, EVER.
"Interpersonal dispute" that the new term for a campaign of malicious lies, slander, threats & blackmail? Ppl were forced to do nothing, NOTHING, except listen to what a fellow antifascist activist was saying instead they refused to & sided with someone who is not an antifascist.
I will not be headfucked & gaslighted by anon accounts & twitterati assholes manipulating the truth to suit themselves. It's disgusting. And I would stand up and say the same in public in defense of any fellow antifascist activist who was being maliciously attacked in same manner
The absolute bollox talk out of this anon acc is unreal...scramblin, clutching at straws all bcos I said if you support/follow/engage with ppl who are not antifascist and who have manipulated, lied, slandered and blackmailed then gtfa, you're no fucking antifascist i want to know
What "info"? the slanderous lie they spread, stating someone's a rapist, blackmailing them & they & friends saying same antifascist activist was responsible for "attacks" on their home & endangering children -into the sea with ye before ye're heads fall off from all the spinning
To all anon & non anon twitterati assholes describing themselves as antifascist activists lol yet have proven to be nothing more than self important, ego driven supporters of liars, blackmailers & fake antifascists & trolls Well done shining eg. to us all
Just filing their bullshit with the rest of their bullshit.
#TwitteratiAssholesMakeForBadAntifascists https://twitter.com/LeahNiD/status/1247548748554797057?s=19
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