Let me explain the dynamics of this #COVID19 and the consequences of this stupid act. It is shameful that the people who are comfortable, whose lives do not depend on daily income are the ones flouting this directive while those who need to survive on a daily basis are at home.
The people who need to survive on daily stipends are groaning at home but Toyota camry and two bedroom flat gang are jogging and exercising in their cheap sneakers and gym clothes.

The disease has a low mortality rate but a very high attack rate.
It is capable of infecting 100s of thousands of people in few hours if the necessary precautions are not taken. Ranging from the asymptomatic to those with severe symptoms. The health system will be overwhelmed eventually. No bed space, no consumables, no doctors.
Health workers will become scarce because the disease will force many health workers into isolation. In a country where we have poor patient to doctor ratio, this will lead to deaths either related or unrelated to covid 19. Innocent patients in the hospital wards will die.
People will look for ordinary 2ml syringe and Paracetamol and they won't find it. Some people will resign to fate and die at home.

Help will come from nowhere, the disease will not kill many people but a collapse in our health system will.
Private hospitals will shut down, govt hospitals will reject admissions due to lack of space. This is where we are heading towards if we do not apply common sense.

Can these people defy a military order to stay at home? Is that what we need now in Nigeria?
This is senseless, later on we will blame the govt for everything including our foolish acts. @followlasg clamp down on these people including the recalcitrant ones in Eti Osa. This is danger, these people are dangerous, saboteurs. Lrotect our lives from this danger please.
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