You might not like this, but just hear me out...
I’m not the most intellectual person and my diction isn’t as vast as I’d like it to be, so I had to take some time to thoroughly think about what I’m about to say. Please bear with me while I explain my point of view...
As a man, I feel like we SHOULD pay all the bills because we expect more out or wives than we actually think we do.
Men are meant to lead, protect and provide. We provide a safe/stable environment for our wives and children. We protect our families, morals and property until our dying breath. And we lead our society, communities and families towards the most successful place we can.
Despite how important those three things are, paying bills is a minute responsibility to what we require/need our wives to do. Even though it may seem our roles are imperative, at times I feel that we fail to realize that our wives roles are just as, if not more, important.
Consciously/subconsciously, women are expected to support, maintain, forebear, nurture... and when necessary lead, provide and protect.

Now before y’all come at me crazy, let me explain what I mean.
Women, by nature, like/want taking care of their men and children. So by default women tend to clean the house, buy and cook the meals for the family, take care of the laundry, etc... because we as men aren’t as “tidy” and at times more inconsiderate than women, due to our roles.
Women, more times than not, are our voice of reason. As a man we are expected to make important decisions. When it’s time to make business, financial, and locationing decisions we turn to our wives for consulting. We require/need mental, emotional and spiritual support from her
In times of abscence or loss (business, war, unemployment, etc...) women are now required to step up and lead, provide and protect. When a man is absent or unable to adequately do his duty, women are then forced to not only do her duty as a wife/mother but also as man/father.
Most importantly, women are undoubtedly the true nurturers. Not only are they the ones that actually go through pregnancy and labor... But they also have a more physical, emotional psychological connection with the children than that of the father.
A woman knows her husband and her children more than any other person on the face of this earth... simply because women pay more attention to detail about their loved ones more than a man ever real could.
Now with that being said, gender roles are completely irrelevant because a woman can do whatever it is a man can do and vice versa (to an extent). If y’all have an agreement who does what (50/50, 70/30, etc...) and it works, by all means do whatever it is you like.
This was just my point of view and you’re free to agree, disagree, be unbiased, call me a “pick me”, send me death threats or just ask me questions.
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