Even if trans ppl were “mentally ill” treatment would be the same. A treatment that is personal, effective, and harms no one.

Side note: “trans is a mental illness” puts personhood into bodies, which is conveniently (but not coincidentally) what misogynists already do to women.
So when transphobes say trans women are inherently misogynistic, remember what misogyny actually looks like for women. It’s not just a slogan. It’s significantly derived in the placing of personhood into bodies and forming a system of control around those ideas for patriarchy.
IMO the WRONGEST part of “trans is a mental illness” is it misses the entire point! Transphobes try so hard to reinforce this wrong point because once you realize the real issue, it’s hard to dehumanize trans folks.

The real issue:

My body needs adjustment. My brain is fine! 🤷🏼‍♀️
ps- many ppl have “mental illness.” It doesn’t mean they’re lesser humans. Many contribute daily to life and society and manage their mental illnesses accordingly. Mental illness can be mild depression or anxiety. PTSD. It doesn’t mean “delusional and crazy.” That’s ableist BS.
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