I played around with #COVID19 data to visualize trajectories of cases, deaths and recoveries since the first confirmed case in Africa as I only seem to see this only for European countries on social media.
This graph is for CUMULATIVE cases across the continent and I plotted this on the LOG scale (exponential factor of the actual numbers). Simply put log scales are easier to visualize rate of growth especially in comparing different countries and they are less dramatic...
Abit chaotic with all these countries I know, but this is largely familiar info. Egypt, Algeria and SA are all the way up but both Malawi and Botswana rest at the bottom ofcourse since they only recently confirmed their first cases. So they are playing catch-up.
The SADC region rests somewhere in the middle close to the West but the rate that these are catching up with Egypt et al is high considering the number of days since their first confirmed cases. Egypt started slow in the first 10 days compared to most countries.
This is what the deaths look like. I restricted this to countries that had confirmed deaths as of yesterday so obviously countries that have registered their first deaths today do not appear here. Again this is plotted on a log scale.
I guess what’s interesting to see here is that while among others SA showed a higher rate of cumulative cases, the death rate is relatively not so high. Infact in the SADC region it is DRC with a higher death rate. Interesting since they were badly hit with Ebola as well.
I plotted the raw counts for the recoveries since I haven’t seen these visualized and I thought it would be good to see the actual numbers. But I also show the % because the actual numbers can be misleading...
Case in point, Egypt has the most recoveries by raw numbers on the left but taking into account the number of confirmed cases, it is Senegal with a higher % of recoveries i.e 40% (92/226) vs Egypt 20% (247/1173), rounded up. Albeit Senegal has fewer cases.
Most countries lie on the bottom of the left graph because they have registered zero or few recovered cases.
South Africa lies on the far end with only 6% of recoveries despite registering upto 1690 cases as of yesterday. All countries with less than 10 cases were dropped from the graph on the right to avoid running into small numbers.
Not with standing to say these graphs have their own caveats e.g. taking into acc popn size, no. tested etc...but I think they give a good basic background of the current picture albeit early in the pandemic for the continent. Will be good to update over time.
I will go back to working on what I get paid for now 😁😁 Stay safe!
I think I have to make it clear that these are NOT future projections!!! They are simply trends from day the first case was confirmed on the continent until yesterday. But it gives an idea of the rate at which we are going...
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