I had my schooling from one of the elite private schools. My father though not in position to comfortably afford it but we made do, partly by getting merit scholarships and he being a super father he was.

I saw how the elite capture actually happens during the years... 1/n
... and later on. Exactly how Imran Khan says dichotomy of Syllabi does it.

I was among the top students. Did reasonably well, knew what I needed to do for what I wanted to be and got there Alhamdullilah.
Majority of students were from an elite backgrounds. Dads heading major Multi national coys, Bureaucrats, Politicians etc

Education it is safe to say wasn't their first, second or third priority.

However what they did get were admissions in foreign universities of great repute
thanks to the connections the school had with universities and respective consulates. Some astonishingly with full scholarships. I never understood how can below average student get a scholarship?

I understood it later.
So these college fellows of mine went to all the sexy foreign universities and what do you think was waiting for them when they got back to Pakistan. Yes nice cushioned jobs one or two tiers below Executive.

This is how elite capture happens.
This is why this lot is bred and fed by foreign influences.

These are brown viceroys/Babbus they left behind.

Now when you see Imaan Mazari, Mehreen Zahra and Co, educating us how we should loathe ourselves, this is why. They have bred from childhood to do this.
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