this one hits home for me right now as we all work to figure out our "new normal," however temporary that might be. The workouts and challenges we are posting to social media or the instagram live workouts we are running are focused in a different development method... 2/
they are much more focused on technical skills (footwork, form, fundamentals, etc.), tactical understanding (when and where will I use what we work on?) and cardiovascular performance (am i in good shape?), and have less cognitive development principles than we would prefer.. 3/
the best development models incorporate cognitive development practices that focus on knowing what to look for, how quickly you can process what you see and understand your options, & how well you execute decisions when one, or multiple, "stressors" or problems are introduced 4/
right now, introducing those stressors and forcing those decisions is increasingly difficult. that's ok and we'll all have plenty of time to get back to that, hopefully in the near future. now, though, we'll keep making the best of what we have available to us! 5/
just remember the difference between "working out" and actually "developing" and as we get out of this, we'll create more situations for us all to work on the
perception - conception - deception - execution - assessment framework where true, long lasting development lies. 6/
end thread for now, but I will articulate those thoughts more clearly in a future post. Wanted to take posting that article as an opportunity to briefly touch on something that is important to me and our players' futures. 7/
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