🚨🚨🚨 #APieceOfYourMind #반의반 ep 6, in less than in 30 mins, im spewing, now that Ha Won said ‘goodbye’ to Ji Soo, ‘hi’ to Seo Woo, but not as Ha Won, but as Mr Before Dawn 🙀
For anyone who wants to stream live, #APieceOfYourMind #반의반 starts at 21:00 Korean Time, just calculate if your country has a different time zone. And advice to stream on desktop, laptop, its much quicker to load. & remember to turn turn on ‘allow’ for player to run.
Use the Third player, its much quicker & u can widescreen it. ❤️ enjoy guys if you gonna stream it live.
Whoop whoop lets go 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 #APieceOfYourMind #반의반
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