Only in N.C. can a white person being TOO nice to you be seen as offensive
Before y’all get mad... I understand how it sounds. But hear me out.
White people will try EXTRA hard to relate to you and it makes you feel like they are exploiting your culture in order to create a parasitic relationship 🤓
That’s a lot of words haha. I’m more so referencing “GET OUT.” Remember when the dad said “I voted for Obama twice?” Yeah a WHOLE lot of that go down round here.
“A&T? Isn’t that the black college near UNCG?” See. That shit makes me SO mad
Using a PWI as a reference point for an HBCU which is a LANDMARK of American history.... is extremely disrespectful and flippant
And to add: I was talking to this girl over winter break who went to UNCG and she completely trashed the school, saying “if you go to A&T, I just think that doesn’t count..” girl FUCK you and UNCGenie. Like shit! You black!
Now by no means am I saying #UNCG is a garbage school... great hoops squad, great food, and y’all have produced some wonderful minds. Y’all cool wit me. Lots of my niggas from Jordan are Spartans. Much love.
All I’m sayin is... “Come for the T, and we gon put you on one..” 🤷🏾‍♂️💯
....and THAT’s on 1891. @TarikCohen
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