I can't think of anything more illustrative of the ability of propaganda to invert reality than large swathes of people genuinely believing that Fidel Castro was a "criminal", "dictator" & generally evil person and that Boris Johnson is a good man who compares favourably to him.
Timeless words https://twitter.com/Louis_Allday/status/966297716845408256?s=20
The fact that racist journalists & many others openly celebrated Castro's death is because he was their and their patrons' enemy. Castro dedicated his life to fighting for the powerless, both in Cuba & around the world so they hated him. Johnson is the opposite so they laud him.
This person uncritically repeating EXACTLY the kind of nonsense propaganda talking points that I'm referring to as though doing so is evidence of anything except their own complete ignorance perfectly illustrates my original point. https://twitter.com/Jpppp4/status/1247490601341333505?s=20
One reason that this ahistorical and slanderous attitude towards Castro is so ingrained in many people is because it not only comes from the right as you'd expect, but because much of the anti-communist left, people like Owen Jones and Richard Seymour, sadly perpetuate it too.
This might be the stupidest tweet I have ever seen. https://twitter.com/neontaster/status/1247492121738858501?s=20
This has elicited a lot of painfully stupid responses
They’re still coming.... https://twitter.com/holliethecard/status/1247506421631066112?s=21 https://twitter.com/holliethecard/status/1247506421631066112
Does this guy thinking putting speech marks around this quote makes it true? https://twitter.com/robertekent1/status/1247503782696624129?s=21 https://twitter.com/robertekent1/status/1247503782696624129
This is Castro’s legacy, among many others: https://twitter.com/louis_allday/status/1222848993501368320?s=21 https://twitter.com/louis_allday/status/1222848993501368320
My mentions are full of people like this all saying exactly the same things and all of them aren’t true. https://twitter.com/bushidors/status/1247517797174800386?s=21
I was waiting for this, HRW's shameful obituary of Castro used as evidence against him. https://twitter.com/Acynicalterrier/status/1247526729767219201?s=20
HRW very openly revealed its reactionary role in its response to Castro's death https://twitter.com/Louis_Allday/status/1057926507216150528?s=20
You can follow @Louis_Allday.
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