My grandpa spent 30 minutes the other day explaining to me through the screen door when I dropped groceries off to him, how the animals in his yard have been doing.
1. Birds that have been nesting above his truck in his car port for years have returned again, he said he knew (1)
When he saw the mud on the truck and sticks in the bed, then went on to tell me how they always nest right above a lightbulb and bc one year he noticed the nest smoking from the heat of it when it’s on too long,he always removes the lightbulb during springtime. Then (2)
He moved onto how the squirrels were, he said they were doing fine and he’s been watching them a lot but he can’t feed them corn on the cob hung from the trees anymore bc “that damn chipmunk keeps stealing the corn” (and my grandma yells at him for climbing up the ladder) (3)
These are the same grandparents who fed a family of raccoons their nice dinner leftovers throughout my whole childhood EVRERY NIGHT, to the point where I thought it was completely normal to leave a full dinner for raccoons at the edge of the woods like an offering every sundown.
I don’t know how to explain how abrasive and prickly this grandpa of mine normally is but how much he hates people is such a juxtaposition to how much he LOVES and watches over the animals in his yard. He calls me pal 🥺
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