What really is keeping me up at night. What really is most disturbing. It isn’t about the delay in Trump addressing the TrumpVirus. It is the absolute full on effort all put in place all scripted and handed out to all their outlets that all hit on day one.

It wasn’t that they didn’t deal with the Virus. That would be incompetence. It was that they had a plan well before any of us knew. Well before they even probably saw the Virus hit our shore. They had a plan to help it spread.
I expect and it may be a while down the road that we will find out this pan and their knowledge goes far enough back that we would not be able to reconcile it.
They had a very good plan for the virus. They had a plan to ignore it, misdirect is, profit from it and let it kill us. The wanted to give it enough time to take a real strong foothold here.
We need to not give them the benefit of any doubt that they were merely unprepared. That isn’t true. They prepared. Got everyone on board. Spread their talking points and hit the ground running.

They haven’t stopped since. They want the Virus to perpetuate.
I strongly believe it is all about crushing turnout and causing chaos for the purpose of staying in power. We know we need massive turnout. This will stop that. We know we need the Black Voters. They are getting destroyed by this Virus in Crazy Numbers and Percentages.
Let’s call it the way it is. It is all about power and keeping it. The pain and suffering and loss of life. Well for them it is just a bonus.
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