My fellow Kings, here's useful advice to consider if you're going to ghost a hun [Thread]
Who do you ghost?

Exchanged 4 texts on Tinder. Ghost.
Shared breakfast in bed? No ghost.

As a rule, try not to ghost people you're in a relationship with. As tempting as it is, try not to ghost your wife.

Under no circumstances do you ghost a woman who will find & murder you.
Once you decide to ghost, that's it. Don't waste her time & follow with excuses:

- My phone was off (for 3 months bruh?)
- I didn't see this text
- Was trying to free Joe Exotic
- Work was so busy the last 5yrs

Only acceptable excuse? You were in jail for rescuing puppies.
Most of you guys aren't studs, let's face it. You wear football shirts to the club, drink Savanna & walk around clouded in Axe "fragrance".

There's a good chance she's the one doing the ghosting.

When last did you hear from her?

- A week ago: you're okay
- 6 months ago: haha
If you're consistently being ghosted.

Ask yourself:

- Do you send huns texts like "hi bby"?
- Do you triple text & can't take a hint?!
- Do you spend more time on Instagram filters than your personality?
- Do you forward WhatsApp chain messages? (5G causes Coronavirus)
If you're still unsure whether or not to ghost someone. It's perfectly okay to put people in the friendzone.

You're not going to click with everyone romantically. Don't be a simp, be a shark*

*Literally, no idea what that means but it's provocative.. it gets the people going!
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