“The Lord is in control, the Lord is in control” — completely fed up with hearing this meaningless mantra from #Christians (and other religious types). If there’s one thing this week of all weeks - #HolyWeek - should teach us, it’s this: the Lord is *not* in control ... [contd]
On the contrary, the Lord has surrendered control. He has handed control over to us, to you and me: his future and ours is in our hands — and never before has the image of Pontius Pilate washing his hands of responsibility been so powerful, so poignant... [contd]
Life and death are now in our hands—not just our own but the lives of our families, friends, neighbours. 20 seconds: the time it takes to say that prayer Jesus taught us, committing ourselves to the vision of God’s kingdom come, of common interest and community service... [contd]
... a kingdom of love, where the only rule is love. But such love costs: lives are laid down in #selfsacrifice — by #NHSworkers especially amongst so many others. And their plea to us as they offer us their lives is so simple: #StayHomeSaveLives ... [contd]
Dear friends, the Lord is not in control: we are. Will you accept this charge this #HolyWeek and #WashYourHands not of responsibility but *in* responsibility? Will you #StayHomeSaveLives? Amen: let it be so [end of thread]
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