This is a reminder: Let’s be nice to everyone.

(This is a thread)
I know that everyone has the right to give out opinions and say or tweet whatever they want. Freedom of speech yeah sure.

But do you realise what you say might hurt others or might give an impact on them mentally.
Everyone is going through a lot rn especially during this RMO period.

You might be sad and angry cuz you don’t get to go outside and see your friends. All your plans are being cancelled. But you still get enough food, wifi at home, nice house, happy family.
But here’s the thing, different people different struggles. You don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives. Some of them are going through so much right now. Divorced parents, broken family, losing source of money, depression, anxiety etc.
Mental health is a serious issue. If you can’t even acknowledge that, you’re sh*t im sorry.
During this rmo period, I reaslised that we’re always on our phone so I beg you please be aware of your actions, be aware of what you say to your friends, family or even strangers online.

Let’s not hurt anyone cuz we can’t see the effects of our actions. How it affect them irl.
Cyber bullying is never okay. If you dont like something you see on the internet, please ignore and continue scrolling or you could just block the account so that you won’t have to see it again.

You dont have to waste precious time by throwing insults and be offensive to others.
Do not add more problems to people who are already going through so much.

Cuz from my observation, social media has become so toxic and it’s honestly really heartbreaking.

So please pleaseeee... be nice to everyone.
You can follow @akmlhdy_.
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