#History #Thread

#OnThisDay in 1992 Republic of #Croatia and #USA recognized #BosniaandHerzegovina as an independent state.

Rump Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia, the aggressor on both Croatia and BiH, hadn't done the same until the end of the war in 1995.
Today a lot of Bosniaks (politicians, activists etc.) claim that Croatia attacked Bosnia and Herzegovina, despite the overwhelming evidence that Bosnia and Herzegovina couldn't have survived the 90's war w/o Croatian (state), and Croat (people) help/support.
This historically inaccurate portrayal of 1992 BiH is presented at Sarajevo Tunnel Museum. BH Croat forces (HVO) portrayed as illegitimate despite the fact that HVO was legitimate (had the democratic support of 1 BiH constituent people) and it was legal (according to BiH laws).
Furthrumore „The transit of arms for the Bosniak-Muslim ABiH through Croatia is not consistent with the theory that Croatia planned to carry out an ethnic cleansing campaign against the Bosnian Muslims. Nor is it consistent with an alleged deal between Croatia and Serbia
to divide Bosnia-Herzegovina between them.

One of the most curious aspects of the Croat-Muslim conflict in central Bosnia is the degree to which both sides communicated with each other and continued to cooperate in the common struggle against the Bosnian Serb army.
Even at the height of the internal struggle in 1993, the ABiH requested, and the HVO approved, the movement of weapons and ammunition through the areas controlled
by the HVO to areas threatened by the Serbs [e.g. Srebrenica]
Moreover, many leaders in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Muslim-led government, including President Izetbegović himself, parked their families in the relative safety of Zagreb to avoid the wartime dangers of Sarajevo.
That the Croatian government and the HVO would permit such activities is scarcely consistent with the policy of separatism, persecution, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and wanton murder, rape, and destruction charged against HVO leaders in ... Bosnia“ and Herzegovina.
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