It's official. The WHO just revised the advice on wearing masks, and acknowledges that wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including #Covid19. What a belated announcement
Worth pointing out that the WHO still declines to ask people without symptoms to wear masks
It's only after the US and some European countries began asking people to wear a mask that the WHO finally revised its mask advice. Global supply chain issues are no excuse for misdirecting the public. Allocation of resources is the issue here.
Protecting ourselves and protecting medical professionals are not mutually exclusive. Look at Hong Kong for inspiration.
Some governments have all along relied on their own wisdom rather than the WHO's advice when it came to masks, such as Japan
The "it's useless unless you wear it properly" has been one of the major counterarguments used by especially British medical policymakers. I've never heard Hong Kong doctors telling us not to wear a mask, because we were presumably to dumb to do it right.
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