Fun open discussion time!

Was just chatting about being professional as a streamer and how that can affect your potential opportunity’s as a streamer.

I personally feel there is a culture that is pushed onto streamers to be this almost perfect human at all times.. cont.
And if you don’t act “Professional” you get opportunity’s and or sponsors taken away. But why are streamers treated as if they’re doctors and psychologists. We are human beings putting our lives on the internet but are almost told to keep that under wraps unless it’s what...
They deem to be appropriate and okay for us to share and or post. You can’t disagree with others, voice your opinions or stand up for what you believe in. But on the other hand reality TV stars are looked up to for drama, entertainment, voicing opinions, being wild....
I feel like streamers are literally LIVE reality shows. And or very similar to it and it’s strange for me to look into this industry and see it being treated like we are these doctors who can only say and act a certain way or else they get looked at differently....
I hope that made sense and I’m super open to talking about it. Just something I have been thinking about. We are not all these perfect, watch our P’s and Q’s streamers. We are putting our life’s out their for you. My life is messy. I’m messy.
Do you agree streamers should be held to this ultimate professional standard or should there be more wiggle room
You can follow @TonzyMixer.
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