Thread: (for parents and carers) creativity is important. Because we need people who use their creativity not just in the arts but in medicine, cooking, sport, engineering (all the most creative people I've met have been engineers) and - especially -in parenting.
For all the pain of this pandemic, it is also a chance for kids to exercise their creativity without worrying about marks, neatness, spelling & all the things that get in the way (that's why I'm putting creative writing lessons on my insta) but there are lots of people ...
... doing similar things. @StevenLenton has his amazing drawalong, @CressidaCowell is reading How to Train Your Dragon (sitting and listening is VERY creative) ... If you've found other people offering creative lessons online, maybe you could share them on this thread.
Apart from anythign else, they'll give you half an hour of quiet!
You can follow @frankcottrell_b.
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