Contrary to popular belief, cannabis has been shown to be far less harmful than alcohol. In fact, it has a range of beneficial properties too.
Until recently, every anti-drug advertisement would have you believe that weed is a menace. Some relied on exaggeration, or straight up lies, about its effects. Other ads would show people comically off the rails, establishing a correlation between this behaviour...
...and cannabis users. No matter what route the ads took, there was one mission: make cannabis look like a threat and a waste of time.
These anti-drug camps didn't pay nearly as much attention to alcohol, though. Sure, there have been ads about alcoholism for decades, and the issue isn't completely ignored by the public; however, most alcohol ads showcase images of parties and adventures.
...No talk of surgeons getting wasted during surgery like their stoner counterparts. Nope, just a simple "Drink Responsibly" at the end of each celebratory commercial.
So, until recently, the media had most people convinced that weed was far more dangerous. But what does science have to say about all this? Well, if we look at the facts, we find that weed is safer than alcohol in many ways.
Here are our top 10 reasons why:
According to WHO, 3 million deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol, this represent 5.3 % of all deaths.
One of the biggest indicators of danger is death toll.
Harmful use of alcohol claimed over 3 million lives in 2016 worldwide, including alcohol poisoning victims, those who got cancer and strokes as a result of use, and more. Marijuana's death toll, by comparison, is a big fat 0.
Sure, there are some people who drive high and cause car accidents, but drunk drivers are far more prevalent.
Liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, epilepsy, ischaemic heart disease—all these and more can result from long-term, excessive alcohol use.
...Marijuana has its own baggage, but it's mostly limited to lung issues (particularly when used with tobacco) and psychotic episodes in especially severe cases. But nearly nobody reaches that threshold. Even then, psychotic episodes are a danger of alcohol as well! Overall,
...the associated risks with alcohol consumption set the scale far off balance.

We don't know about you guys, but when we indulge, we just don't have the energy or impetus to commit violent crimes. It seems like others agree.
A study from the _American Journal of Emergency Medicine_ found that long-term weed use was rarely associated with injuries from assault. Meanwhile, research found that 36% of hospitalised assaults and 21% of all injuries were connected to alcohol use.
...When that many hospital visits are connected to one drug, it's time to stop calling it "safer".
While many in our society might assume marijuana to be the brain killer of the two (thanks to public perception), this is surprisingly not the case.
Research from ScrippsResearchInstitute,which found that binge drinkers,even after they’ve stopped,lose out heavily on neurogenesis (the formation of new brain cells).In contrast,recently performed studies found that the stimulation of cannabinoid receptors activates neurogenesis.
Weed has an advantage over alcohol in that it actually helps some people. Aside from many individuals using cannabis for general therapeutic reasons,
... those suffering from issues like chronic pain and nausea are often prescribed cannabis or cannabinoid therapies in regions where medical use is legal. When was the last time (after the 1870s) a doctor wrote a whiskey prescription? Exactly.
While overuse of cannabis can exacerbate these very issues, many anxiety and depression patients find relief in medical marijuana. Admittedly, research in this area is underdeveloped, and cannabis is only infrequently prescribed for mental health issues.
CBD in particular is being examined for its anxiolytic potential. One study administered CBD to social phobia patients before a simulated public speaking exam, finding the cannabinoid to significantly reduce subjective anxiety.
...When it comes to alcohol in this domain, things are pretty grim. Alcohol is a known central nervous system depressant, and chronic use is associated with a host of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and more.
Yes,many weed smokers end up being hungry when they’re high (munchies). However,contrary to what one might expect, cannabis users tend to fall on the lower end of the body mass index spectrum than non-users. So you can throw that “lazy stoner” stereotype out the window.
Alcohol, on the other hand, innately contains calories, and doesn’t contain any viable nutrients. Chronic binge drinking in particular is associated with higher rates of adipose tissue, and therefore higher rates of obesity.
We touched on this earlier; alcohol has the potential to cause many types of cancer. On the other hand, while cannabis is not currently considered a treatment for cancer itself, it has long been used to relieve symptoms of chemotherapy, and
... other uncomfortable physiological symptoms associated with the disease.
Interestingly, there is a body of preliminary research that shows cannabinoids to “slow growth and/or cause death” of cancer cells in vitro.
However, this is far from being considered a viable treatment. Still, the fact that cannabis has any potential in this realm is positive if you consider the highly detrimental effects of alcohol.
Alcohol has been associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s for some time, and a recent study supports this scientifically.
... Published in the _Journal of Neuroinflammation_, researchers found that “alcohol effects on phagocytosis could contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease”.
What about cannabis? Well, preclinical studies[12] have found small amounts of THC to reduce beta-amyloid protein production, a key contributor to Alzheimer’s. It’s important to note that, here too, it’s much too early to consider cannabis a treatment for the condition.
... But these results, along with other studies that highlight potential neuroprotective qualities, show that cannabis is indeed versatile in its action.
After a long night of heavy drinking, you may not remember what happened the night before. This is often referred to as a “blackout.”
When you drink heavily it can impair your ability to create new memories.
Over 50% of frequent binge drinkers reported at least one time in the past year when they blacked out and forgot where they were or what they did when they were drinking.
Along the lines of memory, recent studies have shown that adolescents who smoke marijuana may be at greater risk for problems with memory and learning later in life. The studies remain inconclusive about how much marijuana use causes impairments of learning and memory.
But studies have demonstrated that these types of changes in the brain may increase the risk of psychological difficulties later in life.

Controversy remains over what percentage of psychosis risk can be linked to marijuana use and how much depends on a person’s genetics.
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