i've been feeling less commie recently considering i don't even know what an ideal society according to angry twitter would even look like. i feel like a lot of meme leftism is just a bandwagon of "LET'S JUST BE NICE AND EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT" which is a very simple lens
like am i dense or is there not even any clue as to what the infrastructure of a twitter leftist's ideal society would be? hardly anyone actually reads marx or whatever, it just doesn't seem to go beyond trans rights and capitalism being bad
i don't like capitalism, cops, and phobes as much as everyone else but i would literally be annihilated in any debate cause i don't know what the fuck a leftist society would even look like. it's just following trends
like when i am worldbuilding i can't think of what a good society would look like. and yet i preach for communism. but i don't know anything about it??? what even is the nitty gritty of anarcho-communism???? fuck we are just bandwagoning
TLDR: none of us have read marx and probably never will. what are we even preaching
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