Would anyone want a tour of my houseplants?? Is that a thing anyone would care about?
Okay starting with this white desert rose I bought last summer for like €4 because he had no flowers. This is the second time he’s in bloom.
This is currently the only stephanotis I have, RIP my other one :’)
I got this aloe vera from a fandom friend as a housewarming gift... 5 years ago? I think of her every time I water it. I never told her how huge it got.
This baby is hard to photograph. She’s a very dainty heart leaf vine and she longggg o.o
Another type of stephanotis?? I think?? With fun crinkled up leaves.
I don’t actually know the name of this one?? I wanted a big palm when I moved into a bigger place, so he’s been with me also for like 5yrs. Pls note the super cute “crochet” plastic pot uwu
Photobombing the previous photo: one of my two giant money plants.
A baby gold capella. I’ve had him in the south facing window but apparently I need to move him as the light is getting too harsh for him now that it’s spring.
One of my two corona de cristo’s. My mom got these for me bc they can stand south-facing windows. They’re pretty much constantly in bloom!
My peace lilly. One of the sturdiest and yet somehow fussiest plants I own? He’s got some crispy ends but he also has a flower coming so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
My other huge money plant
I don’t know her name 😔 She has heart shaped leaves too. (Yes she is on a little wall-mounted shelf, bless Ikea 🥰)
My small spider plant! (Also wall mounted.) It doesn’t have any babied so what is even the point of having it on the wall? Get on that, spider plant.
More money plants??? Look... they’re hard to kill. Both physically and emotionally. I have never met a money plant I didn’t want to save.
Close up of this lil guy, some type of succulent? He got awkwardly tall at one point so I cut off his head and composted the rest so this is technically his second iteration?
An orchid I got for my birthday 🥰
Another orchid I got for my birthday! Also behold my hideous kitchen tile D:
Ooh this one I love a lot. I had two but suddenly they both crisped up so I had to compost them. Made these cuttings first tho. I know it as a “wandering gypsy”, a hanging plant.
This is where my bleeding heart comes in. This orchid hasn’t flowered in years, but I just don’t have it in me to give up on him. He lives in my kitchen and is valid ok?
This big boy is a snake plant and he is just doing really well!
Final plant and you’re all off the hook: a Chinese money plant with an easter bunny my granma gave to me more than 10yrs ago wow I really am extremely sentimental huh?
I lied! One more bc I think it’s really cool: a money tree I put outside in the sunroom (it gets like 50°C there in the summer) because I wanted to compost it. Then I didn’t. I also didn’t water it. It lives off dew?? I love the color so now it just lives out there.
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