So I was just randomly reminded of what the date is. Although 4/7 isn’t significant at all to many ppl, it is to me. 1 year ago from today was the day I almost ended my life. I was in a very bad spot mentally and I did not have a very good support system to turn to. I felt alone.
Life to me felt very pointless, I had no direction and it felt as if I was disappointing those around me because I didn’t know what I wanted to to in life after high school. Everyone I looked at seemed like they had everything all together in life and
I was scared of being left behind. Not only that, but at this time, my anxiety and depression were at its peak. My thoughts were always cynical rather than positive so I always saw the negative side to my situation.
It seemed like ending my life was the only option at that point. However, I sat in my bathroom that day and did absolutely nothing, I couldn’t force myself to do it and idk why. Ultimately I rationalized that I was choosing a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
Fast forward 1yr and I’m so glad I chose the right choice. I feel like I have a direction in life as I head to college and I also managed to make some amazing friends who I feel like I can always talk to. Although not all of them I know irl.
It’s insane how the internet connects ppl. How someone of live-streams can make my day so much better or how I can just get in a call and game with awesome ppl all night. I’m insanely grateful for all the people I’ve become friends with over the past year. You all mean the world.
And to ANYONE having extreme negative thoughts like I did, just know that it really does get better. Find someone to talk to, there are always ppl willing to listen. Know that you are loved and valued. Please don’t choose the permanent solution for a temporary problem.
You can follow @ErnestPun.
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