i'm bored so i'm making a thread of games which have really gorgeous soundtracks. these are obviously my opinions and the primary ones i mention will be games i myself have played, and i'll also mention ones i haven't played! :)
number 1: NieR

i can't pick just one game from the series to mark here, because the musical production for each one is so beautiful and unique.

cold steel coffin, song of the ancients, salvation, sacrifice, despair, copied city & dependent weakling are my favorites!
number 2: breath of the wild

this is criminally underrated, i think. so many old loz elitist fans bash this ost for being subtle without realizing it's intentional. the subtlety of the music blends with the game's plot & themes. leitmotifs are used liberally in this ost, which -
helps to create a feeling of consistency. it also utilizes base chords from previous games' iterations of certain songs!

hyrule castle town ruins, hyrule castle, dark beast ganon, molduga battle, temple of time & kass's song of tradition are my favorites.
number 3: fire emblem: three houses

while every fire emblem installment has gorgeous music which perfectly meshes into the series and it's themes, i can't get over how perfect fe3h's ost was. it's a notch above the rest. leitmotifs are present throughout this game's ost too -
the main theme occurs throughout a majority of the songs, bringing consistency again. the themes for the agarthans are unique, too.

blue skies and a battle, god shattering star, apex of the world, a funeral of flowers, & a star in the morning sky are just a few of my favorites.
number 4: persona 5 (+ royal)

this is the only persona game i've played, but i really enjoy it's jazzy music. not much to say, it has it's own unique energy to it.

no more what ifs, throw away your mask, our light & life will change are a few of my favorites. +blooming villain
number 5: pokemon b/w

interesting that i put this one here. it's a notable mention. something about the themes have stuck with me forever.

the day i was crowned king, accumula town, elite four battle, N battle & unwavering emotions are a few of my favorites.
addition: other pokemon themes that go hard:
HG/SS battle champion, S/M gladion battle, SWSH gym leader battle + bede theme.
that is all LOL

im actually unable to think of anything else for this thread rn maybe ill continue it some other time...
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