Oh this will be FUN. Prepare for a wall of text y’all

There are two local maxima within a bimodal distribution. The bimodal distribution referenced within this thread is linked further down the thread. We are speaking on the mechanisms of how we convert data from- https://twitter.com/dreamygirl202/status/1247422537702592514
-a bimodal distribution to a histogram and group data into specific bins. This is often done to make data easier to manage, but the point of this thread and what I will go into later is that it is best to model that data with a bimodal distribution rather than a histogram-
-as we get people like those I am responding to who then believe the biggest bins are the only bins. This is not only incorrect, but fosters a mind that is not open to learning when they are wrong and how to fix their models when they aren’t working.
This is extremely important as science advances, particularly within the medical field when treating things such as say, dioxin poisoning where differences in lipoprotein lipase activity and DNA binding of AP-1 in adipose tissue will effect the treatment course chosen.
In conclusion: this guy is an asshole, stop ignoring intersex people in your research, big bins are not accurate and don’t ever do this shit to me because you’re just embarrassing yourself
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