this looks like a normal conspiracy weirdo post except that I can't see how the two claims (there are secretly 2 suns and the army is gearing up to take over texas) are related.
I couldn't find any source on that alleged NASA graphic so I googled "pioneer 10 dead star" and I found a website with this header image, which rules
Okay, hang on, here's the graph, from "The New Science And Invention Encyclopedia" (1987)
This website is taking the interesting leap of assuming people stopped talking about "Planet X" after the late 80s because Pioneer found something Too Horrible To Release and not because it found nothing.
Also, real question--did a hypothetical undiscovered planet have to start going by "Planet IX" after Pluto was reclassified?
It seems like all the 1980s postulation was based on a paper that theorized there might be a brown dwarf out in the Oort cloud that would've explained the regular pacing of mass extinctions:
Nemesis has yet to be located (and listen, it would be cool if it was), but I can't find a single mention outside that so-called "encyclopedia" of Pioneer 10 being intended to look for it. Which makes sense, because it was launched in 1972, a decade before the Nemesis paper.
Obviously the Nemesis/Nibiru/"Planet X" theory hung around, and people love to say it's coming back soon (trust me I watched a lot of videos about it as a kid). But it hasn't, so that end is tied up. Now: What the hell was that about there being 2 suns?
The framing of NASA as some sort of omnipresent evil thought-police by conspiracy guys is very funny to me. They absolutely don't have the budget for any of this.
It sounds to me like this guy made a pretty clear joke about an optical phenomenon and a bunch of infowars guys took it as the Truth Finally Leaking. This article also mentions the Nemesis paper.
Another staple of conspiracy explanations is that "mass hysteria" would result if people learned the "truth", which seems like a real stretch in this case, to me
So the Two Suns idea hits sort of a dead end, except that the guy at the very top of this thread believes it to be extremely important *and* somehow related to the much more common "FEMA Camps / Secret Martial Law" conspiracy. I'm no closer to knowing why.
Remember "Jade Helm 15"? In 2015 the US military did some training exercises in the south/southwest that involved teaching some guys how to operate in inhabited areas:
Someone leaked this map and the Alex Jones crowd immediately started riffing on it, claiming that the purpose of the exercise was to either confiscate people's guns (lmao) OR get people used to seeing troops so they didn't stand up to a real planned invasion.
Of course those are things America would only do to someone else, not its own people. BUT now we're starting to close the loop. On May 13, 2014, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said this:
He was, of course, referring to the upcoming Paris climate summit. But that was 565 days later, whereas Jade Helm kicked off on September 15, 2015, *exactly* 500 days after. Also, guess who was in charge of the armed forces in 2015? (Hint: the far right doesn't like him)
(Side note: How or why this French guy would know the plans of the U.S. Army two years in advance is beyond me.)
That's not exactly lined up with the "500 days" thing either, but it's closer than the Paris summit, I guess? Anyway, instead of a world-ending impact, we get this insanely good Wikipedia sentence:
Note another instance here of NASA/the government at large witholding information about an upcoming apocalypse, or just outer space in general, to avoid "mass hysteria." I, for one, think they would probably tell us.
(Side note II: I've seen posts from people claiming COVID-19 is a hoax but the related stay-at-home orders are intended to make us spend time with our loved ones before a comet hits, as if that's not what people would do anyway)
So I *guess* what this dude believes is that Jade Helm actually was/is intended to prepare people for an astronomical impact and that Nemesis is real and causing the impact?
Some issues with that take: A second sun as close to the first one as it looks in all these pictures wouldn't have any comets to toss around. Second, it would be pretty hard to hide a star, especially in the thousands of years before spacecraft.
Third--and this is always where these theories seem to fall apart--who stands to profit from the general population thinking there's only one sun? It would take immense resources committed over centuries and I can't think of any kind of end payoff for the conspirators.
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