thread. so my mom park's on a corner of a road because that's where a house I deliver too like lives. this old woman walks past and says 'do you have to park here? Park over there!' in the most spiteful tone like đŸ„Ž okay. I PARK ON THE CORNER SO I DON'T HAVE TO CROSS ROADS (1/4)
WHERE IT IS UNNECESSARY SUNSHINE. SO I DON'T FUCKING DIE AT 8AM WHEN EVERYONE IS GOING TO WORK AND I'M LIKE 'oops teehee sorry lemme just frolic across the road real quick to deliver this newspaper'. that woman has always and always will be a bitch. I had her in primary
school as a school lunch supervisor person. everyone hated her. she was nasty like she shouted at fucking 4-10 year olds for doing shit. if anything she should be looking out for me as someone who has to go out to go deliver newspapers 6 days a weeks so people have access to(3/4)
the news but someone just don't appreciate shit in life apparently. inconsiderate fuck.

anyway, we angy but it's okay :)

end of thread
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