I was speaking generally to my moots who may have missed seeing them. If you saw the magazine covers, great. I can't even make a thread praising WayV without ya'll crawling up my ass. They need to let you out for some fresh air, please sit tf down https://twitter.com/sayitens/status/1247346495961137155
in the comments talking about how I got all weishennies blocked, like yeah tf I do and this is why. I've seen all these magazine covers before but wtf is wrong with showing them to other ppl?
Every time ya'll stalk my profile, you give my pinned views. So please continue.
imma say this right now: I don't give a damn about that side of the fandom. They move worse than toxic armys and my tolerance is low. If an ot21zen is praising WayV, just shut the hell up. You don't own them. And knowing every little detail about them doesn't make you better fans
got me fcked up on a tuesday
Funny how ya'll came for one word in this thread but were silent af when I made those threads about Chris Lee. Lookin' foolish as hell. 🤚🏾
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