wow shippers! look at the views 😱 only 4 videos but the total is 39.6M !

people still watch this 4 videos until now. i'm so happy seeing the results. but hey, you want to know the whole total views?

keep scrolling~

#sungjoy #bbyu
3 videos that surpassed 10M are :

① sungjoy on hainan bridge [12M]
② joy sleeping on sungjae's arm [12M]
③ special director cuts - their school uniform date [11M]

total for all? 😳 keep scrolling!

#sungjoy #bbyu
!!! 😱

indeed, they are powerful couple!

and if you want to save this picture, you may do so. but please don't erase the watermark 🤗 i appreciate if you can retweet or like this thread bcs it takes a lot of effort 💗

#sungjoy #bbyu
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