A quick and dirty history of left theory:
From pre marx to modern tendacies of anti fascist, l/acc, eco-hyphen, and other leftists

See thread attached 1/x
In the pre Marxist age we primarily find liberals and French utopians as Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, etc.. The impetus of theory stems from enlightenment notions out of Kant, Rousseau, Locke, etc.. These leftist theorists took up the notions of... 2/x
freedom, fraternity, equality and attempted, or theorized ways to, implement such values into reality. In this mode, which continues through the Marxian period, is primarily ethics focused. Praxis was mostly in the form of revolutions in France or attempts to implement... 3/x
these values in other ways, see Robert Owens. This era is less important in content and more in general logic, that being emancipation of a class form another. In France and all around Europe the bourgeoisie made massive gains against the royals, some however went further... 4/x
This movement of emancipation thereby gets taken up the non-Marxist socialists, Marx, and anarchists, by which freedom from the monarchy was only the first step. From here we move into an important period of the formulation of the Marxist era: 1848. 5/x
Note, I'll add onto this thread over the next few days, but I'm very tried atm. Idk how many tweets it will be. I will be writing it all in a text doc and then post as tweets.
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