Everbody, especially we kashmiris, must have heard the name of the great mosque in Cordoba Spain(then Andalusia). the mosque-- Masjid Qurtuba widely regarded as one the best pieces of the muslim architectural history. Not to forget that its hypostyle prayer hall could... 1/n
.. accommodate nearly 80 thousand people. But then came a time no one had imagined, none of us has the nuts to recount the fall of Muslim rule in Spain. As the reins of power fell into the hands of Christians, this mosque got converted into a cathedral... 2/n
... Alama Iqbal in his masterpiece "Masjid Qurtaba" hs assiduously demonstrated it.
دیدہ انجم میں ہے تیری زمین ، آسمان
آ ہ کہ صدیوں سے ہے تیری فضا بے ازاں۔
P.S: if the filthy ideas of our occupier are not countered nobody is going to gurantee the safety of our Mosques.
#SASG is 💚
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