સર સર પર, સધર અમર તર, અનુસર, કર કર વર ધર મેલ કરે;
હરિ હર સુર અવર અછર અતિ મનહર, ભર ભર અતિ ઉર હરખ ભરે.
નિરખત નર પ્રવર પ્રવર ગણ નિરજર, નિકટ મુકટ શિર સવર નમે;
ઘણ રવ પટ, ફરર, ઘરર પદ ઘૂઘર, રંગ ભર સુંદર શ્યામ રમે.

"Doha" - a very old "verse-format" of Indian poetry.
Doha is an an independent verse, a couplet, the meaning of which is complete in itself. the origin of doha can be traced to the Greek Hexametre, that it is an amalgam of two hexametres in one line.

This format had found favour with the Abhiras or Ahirs who had greatly encouraged its use, the Abhiras belonged to Gandhara region now in Pakistan.

For a very long time the Doha verse-format was popularly used in Gujarati, Rajasthani (Duha), Maithili, Marathi and Hindi folk and modern literature of North India and in Sindhi (Doho) literature of Pakistan.

@DalrympleWill @ssharadmohhan
The word Doha is supposed to have derived from the Sanskrit words dogdhaka, dvipadi, dvipathaka or dodhaka that are all Sanskrit couplet forms; it is also known as duhaviya in Apabhraṃśa to which the earliest reference is in Vikramorvashiyam of Kalidasa.
Dohas have also been found written and cited in a stray manner in older languages such as Prakrit and Pali. They are quotations of worldly wisdom.

In Duhasuktavali it is said that doha should be quoted where talented persons have gathered.
Religious doha-literature was composed by Buddhists, Jainas and Shaivas which was both, spiritual and moralist. The spiritual doha-literature is devoid of artificial style and is mystico-religious in which symbols are employed and importance of teacher-preacher is emphasised;
Its authors were saints first and poets afterwards. Its poetic value though not high was sincere in feelings and emotions. Natha, Santa, Sahajiya and Vaishnava schools were then very popular.
One of the important thing is duha has been used as war cry in Gujarat and Rajasthan and Maharashtra.

One of the famous doha is used in the attached performance.
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