IDK but why Percy Jackson is trending and honestly that's good for my soul.
I wonder if I reread the entire series, what perspectives will I be gaining? It's been years. I think the new perspectives will hurt, or will be nostalgic in many ways.

But the big question is, do I still ship Jason and Reyna?

Yes. Yes I still do.
Percy Jackson is where I started to love fantasy, and as a 13 year old the turmoil of adolescence in that series is relatable. Practically grew up with the gang. It's important given I didn't know how to make friends.
PJO was a gateway for my love of reading. Absolutely floored with learnings, trivial and life-changing ones. Applied most irl. The series comforted me in my dark days too.
Speaking of, the last time I was cradled was as a kid. Reading those felt comforted me into knowing that nothing's wrong with me, I was just thinking about stuff differently. It was like being hugged without the actual arms around me.
The series also taught me the value of friendship. I grew up insecure with the way I look and act, my best friend in elem was the prettiest and when I stand next to her I felt... unaccomplished.

RR wrote Reyna and I felt like FINALLY someone sees me. I felt ok being me then.
I didn't have to be sweet. I didn't have to be apologetic for doing what I think is right. How to utilize compartmentalizing in personal and work (academic) obligations.
I'm emotional as fuck, too emotional that I drop into being cold if it's too much in the chest. Her character made me realize that: hey, don't put it on you or anyone else. Cool down, divide, then conquer.
Looking back it's crazy how I have to look into a character to BE who I am today. I don't regret it tho. I didn't have anyone to look up to. Glad I listened to a recommendation to read this series.
You know, RR did not really spy on me but I never felt lost before until Reyna's character was written. It was like that moment in Frozen 2 where Elsa found herself.

@camphalfblood I hope you see this. You can never believe how I'm in awe of the way you wrote her.
I'm not really sure this thread is making sense but if I delete it I know it won't be the same.
PJO (&HOO) taught me leadership too. I wasn't the best, & I may have not been efficient at times but it taught me more than any politician did irl. If I'm gonna serve, I'm gonna serve for those you swore to serve. With honesty and integrity.
I felt hurt with what Jason did but I just realized MAYBE personally I relate to Reyna, but I'm having Jason Grace-like troubles like: who am I really? What do I want to do? Am I doing this for me?

Things like that.
Addendum to Jason-like problems: am I being selfish? everyone's eyes is on me, what to do? no one sees who I truly am. I can be what u want, but I don't know what to want for me anymore.

Not sure if I'm reading his character good but that's what I 1st thought of about Jason.
It's not just them. Every characters are relatable one way of another. They are always seen as one thing, but they can do more. Piper? Being looked down as just pretty when she can do kick-ass stuff.
Leo? Overworks to distract himself from his troubles. Hazel? Naive and sweet. Frank? A klutz. Annabeth? Cold and calculating, and scary. Percy? A goofball who never take things seriously. Nico? Lone wolf who doesn't want to be around people.
Like irl we're always generalized into categories we barely fit in. The diversity of the series is needed since we grew up in a society where traditions are difficult to remove in our upbringing. But we try, and that's what matters the most. #
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