on every conceivable level y’all disgust me lol. i know no one cares about my opinion but someone needs to tell y’all what you’re doing isn’t right. so not only do y’all accuse a girl of adultery based off her defending shias, you also somehow don’t see a problem w this?
Are y’all stupid? Almost every one supporting this type of slander is a “religious” account btw lol. You’d think for all your knowledge you’d know not to slander and accuse a woman of adultery with no evidence or proof right? Shia or Sunni this isn’t acceptable behavior
If you have dawah to give, give it properly. This isn’t dawah and you’re not a “defender of the sahaba” for accusing women of adultery. You think the sahaba would approve of this behavior? any credibility you have is automatically negated when you resort to such behavior
As a Muslim, this behavior is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable. As a Muslim WOMAN this behavior is even worse. Do better. Don’t resort to petty, vile, and explicit insults that’s literally slander and gaining you sins for clout
And btw I don’t agree with the original tweet either. That doesn’t mean I sit there and accuse a woman of adultery like that’s going to change her mind???? Like you did something the Prophetﷺ would be proud of?? Approve of???
And it’s always the same people who want to talk about giving advice and how everyone needs to learn how to take it who suddenly don’t want to hear a bar of it when it’s their turn to be advised. Suddenly theyre combative, rude and defensive and they’re the victim
One girl I’m not even mutuals with was calling u guys out on your behavior & u harassed her so much that she started crying about it. Like she was the one in the wrong for pointing out your repugnant behavior.Yall are vicious animals literally.U hear what u want &ignore the rest
And 99% of you constantly beefing shias & making it your job aren’t giving any benefit. Not only Bc of the way you’re doing it but Bc of your intentions.I can’t say what your intentions are Bc that’s between you and Allahﷻ ,but it’s apparent who just wants to mock and get clout
I’m honestly so embarrassed to know most of you. How shameful that people I thought genuinely feared Allahﷻ would so gleefully grab the opportunity to slander a chaste woman. Absolutely disgusting
@sahaarsafii this for u bb idk you but u did good today and I’m proud of u don’t let them bring u down ! You proved how pure and lovely your character is today
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