IMPORTANT: #Wisconsin Republicans are using COVID-19 to suppress TONS of #votes:

A brief but necessary thread:
1) #Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov issued an executive order to delay the primary til June. This was after the Republican led state legislature refused to delay it previously.

Yesterday, the state Supreme Court overturned the executive order.

The election will still be TODAY, 4/7
2) SCOTUS also ruled yesterday that #Wisconsin absentee ballots NOW must be POSTMARKED by *today* AND received by 4/13, in 6 days.


How can they postmark a ballot by today when they don’t have it??!?
3) This is the latest update a #Milwaukee #Wisconsin nurse, who is now in mandatory quarantine after being exposed due to her front-lines work, recieved on her absentee ballot.

In order to vote, she’d have to break quarantine and endanger lives she’s sworn to protect.
#Republicans are CLEAR that they want to suppress votes.

“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” TRUMP, just LAST WEEK.
This is precisely what many in the civil rights community have been fighting against.

Americans should not have to make the false choice between democracy and their health.

States have the time and talent to build new systems in time for this election. Many don’t *want to.*
Share this widely. I’ve reached out to some folks to learn exactly what we can do, at least to sound the alarm.

These last minute actions were designed to render us impotent.

But I won’t give up. We never should.

ACTION: file a complaint with the Department of Justice:
You can follow @MsPackyetti.
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