Uh, guys Oikawa can’t play for Argentina’s national team

If he wanted to face Ushijima & Kageyama while in other country he could simply do it in the Club World Cup (given if both teams classify of course) but I feel like he plans on joining v league 1 when he returns
Idk if you know this but Argentina is a fuckin monster country in volleyball xD there’s bigger chance for Oikawa to make it in the Japanese national team lmao (also fyi the national team usually has at least 3 setters in its full rooster -around 20 players)
Not to mention Japan doesn’t allow double nationality, he’d have to become a full Argentinian citizen and I don’t think “the stage I want to play on hasn’t changed” means anything other than the Japanese stage where he challenged his biggest rivals (something Hinata related to)
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