THREAD: nMonte tour of modern E Asian ancestry, based on 9 ancient components.

("Distance" column represents fit (lower is better). Fit <0.05 is pretty good using "distal"/ancient proxies like this IMO)

1) Sorted by: NPL_Chokopani_2700 BP, sample from near eastern foothills of Himalayas, likely proto-Sino-Tibetan homeland (despite CCP propaganda citing Yellow River origin). Peaks in western Sino-Tibetans (Sherpa, Tibetan, Naxi)

2) Possible proto-Sino-Tibetan modal phenotype
Relation of NPL_Chokopani to other 8 components used here. Closest relation is to Boisman_MN (E. Siberian HG from Primorsky Krai near Sea of Japan). Possible these two pops diverged prior to Neolithic, somewhere around North Chinese plain?
Sorted by: Boisman_MN (nearly identical to "Devils Gate HG", also from Primorsky Krai). Peaks in Nivkhs and Tungusics, followed by Mongolics. Also prominent in Koreans & Japanese (Yayoi element)

Likely associated w/ "Tungid" phenotype. Pastoralist expansion west during Iron Age
Boisman_MN relation (distance) to the other ancient components. Kolyma_Mesolithic is a Paleosiberian also from Russian Far East, but from near Arctic coast (Kolyma River). Kolyma is most similar ancient Eurasian population to Amerindians.
Sort by: Taiwan_Hanben_3400BP. Recent paper associated this lineage w/Austronesian and Austro-Asiatic farmers spreading rice agriculture to Southeast Asia. Peaks in Southeast Asians mostly from these language groups, especially in Taiwan aboriginals. Ancestral to Polynesians
Closest relations to TWN_Hanben.

TWN_Hanben, Malaysia_LN, JPN_Jomon all likely derived from original SE Asian HG population group deep in Paleolithic. Jomon became isolated/drifted by themselves in Japan at early date, definitely before Last Glacial Maximum judging by distance
Sort by: Jomon

Found in pre-Neolithic Japan & Sakhalin Island thus far. Rare today, unsure if %s in Thai, Malay are "noise"

Both Ainu AND Ryukyuans, from opposite ends of Japan, have higher Jomon % than mainline Japs--less Yayoi admix. (those samples are not available to me...)
As mentioned b4, Jomon share deep relation w/SE Asians, were likely cut off from geneflow w/them as rising sea levels isolated them in Japan post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).

Interestingly, closest distance is to Chokopani...19%+ is still quite distant, but an unexpected result
Sort by: KAZ_Botai (ancient Kazakhstan)

Basically identical to Tyumen_HG (W Siberian HG). Can be modeled as 80% ANE + 20% E Asian.

Minority component today, peaking in Kets, Ugrics, & some Turkics. Lost ground during Indo-European & then Tungusic-Monogolic-Turkic expansions
Distance to other components. KAZ/Botai aka W Siberian HG is quite drifted from all these other East Asian references, due to its majority ANE descent.

Closest distance is Scythian_UKR, who is 60% Yamnaya/30% Anatolia_N/10% E Asian (shared drift mostly w/ANE component)
Sort by: Malaysia_LN 2550 BP

Defies direct linguistic assoc., w/some Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Tai-Kadai, & Sino-Tibetan near top

Malaysia_LN is likely a Neolithic contact type btwn farmers (Sino-Tibetan & Austroasiatic/nesian)+ Negrito native substrate. Original "Hill ppl"?
Distance to other types-- most similar to TWN_Hanben. As stated previously Malaysia_LN is likely the result of a TWN_Hanben-like population mixing with Negrito, Veddoid, and/or Papuan-like substrate that existed in Malay Penninsula/Indochina pre-Neolithic.
Sort by: Nganassan

The sole modern component in this calculator, required only b/c no proper ancients exist to represent this "North Siberian Hunter-Gatherer" ancestry.

See this thread for more info on Nganassan-like ancestry:
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