Anyone know what kind of plant that is? Looks a bit like a Century or agave type plant but I've never seen that red bloom.

Not saying it's relevant to anything other than my own curiosity.
Aloe ferox, commonly known as bitter aloe is a species of arborescent aloe indigenous to southern Africa.[2][3] It is one of several Aloe species used to make bitter aloes, a purgative medication.
Aloe Ferox Crystals
Aloin is present in anthraquinone, which is not only a purgative, but also a potent antioxidant. Thus, aloe ferox might help prevent damage that is caused by free radicals. Due to this, studies are being conducted to analyze its effect on prevention of cancer.
Anti-cancer activity An early report by Soeda (1969) reported anti-tumour activity of A. ferox. Both plant fractions have been shown to inhibit tumour growth. 
I'm not saying this plant is key, but it sure is curious.

Here's a couple of people who would love you to vaccinate.
Is the plant in their vaccine?

Don't know, but the plant IS in the room.
And on the wall.
Not sayin'.
But I am sayin'.
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