1.- Covid 19 was a white hat “fuck up “ - White hat was supposed to steal the more lethal Covid 17 version way less contagious (transmitted only like HIV is )- but lethal AF .... ended up stealing Cov19 , tainted the synthetic adrenochrome with wrong virus .... contd
2.- had white hat not fucked up then synthetic adrenochrome would have been deadly and all these sick FUQs would be dead - now they went to plan B .... well in the meantime the fuckup caused all of us to get this mild cold/flu , some reacted harshly and died and we’re stuck ....
3.- in quarantine with one of the greatest economic disasters of all time . Shit happens in war , rarely goes to plan or perfect. But , it’s obvious lots are happening globally .... part of Italian mafia was brought down , drug cartels are being brought down , people saved ....
4. - the downside is we all have some serious skin in the game now .... many are losing businesses and lives bankrupted - my hope is we bounce back and recover from this fast .... I always said we shoulda just used keeeeel teams and snuffed them all out - due process sucks
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