Spider-Man arguments are 99% pointless since like almost everyone sees themself as Peter Parker, so your perception of him is probably gonna be affected by your own personality, and there’s nothing wrong with it for the most part. I like seeing Peter upbeat and fun. I like -
-seeing darker stories too. It builds a connection with the reader when you experience highs and lows alongside them; when you can draw comparisons from issue-whatever to a day in your own life. That’s why his stories stick with you. That’s what makes him relatable
It’s why I think Batman can be boring. If his stories were nothing but miserable self-loathing about his dead uncle and ex, then I’d get tired of reading his stuff. It’d be such a downer. The lows come with the highs, and that contrast is what makes those moments hit harder-
If everything is upbeat and careless, then nothing is. You need that push/pull relationship in life. The bad times make the good times all the better, and the good times make the bad times hit a lot harder. That’s how you strengthen a connection with your audience
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