1) No one ever reads my posts but I’m throwing this out there anyway because it needs to be said. Times are hard. Tensions are high. And instead of rising to the challenge we are arguing amongst ourselves and we are crumbling . And if we crumble it means they win.
2) And if they win it means that everything that we hold dear as Americans is lost. It means that the freedom our loved ones fought to protect are given up and handed over to those who wish to do us harm. Our words here matter. The information we throw out is important.
3) Where We Go One We Go All! Say it! What does it mean? It means that where one of us starts to think and believe so do others. But double meanings do exist. So it also means that all of our fates are intertwined by what happens now in the time that lay before us.
4) And again we are crumbling. We are fighting amongst ourselves because baseless claims have been made and people have bought it hook, line and sinker with absolutely no evidence to back it up. We are tapping into emotion over logic. The very thing we have been warned against.
5) Oh but “The Children”!!! Think of who we are fighting!! How many times have they put the children up as their shields to get away with whatever they want?!? Why would now be any different? Infiltration NOT an invasion. Maybe that referred to us.
6) POTUS said today in his presser “women and children have been human trafficked, mostly women” but that part was glossed over by the majority. Logic and evidence. NOT emotions. This is a digital war and we are on the battlefield and right now we are losing our ass.
7) Maybe we are losing sight of why we’re here. Maybe we’re just tired and frustrated with all that’s going on but dammit we need to snap out of it and pull ourselves back together. Literally together! UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL
8) My father began fighting the same beast we are up against 35 years ago and he has said this is the farthest anyone’s ever come and I believe that. It’s why it’s so ugly and terrible right now. They are exposed like never before and they are fighting back.
9) We need to get our heads back on straight and get back into the game together! They want us divided. Divided we are weak. Let’s not give them that victory. #WWG1WGA #QAnon 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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