
I’m not going to pretend that I like sharde. But I do regret harassing him after I finished arguing with him. I took the shit too far. I admit that. Regardless of who was in the wrong in our original argument it was unacceptable of me to harass him and direct my-
followers to participate in bullying him. If he’s willing, I’d like to apologize to him personally about this but seeing as I’m blocked I don’t expect him to even see this. In regards to the other people harassing him, stop. It’s over and I don’t support any further actions-
made against him. I’m not going to justify villainizing someone due to rumors either. I’m sorry for getting so worked up over this. I overreacted and acted unlike myself. Normally I just argue with someone and tell them to fuck off. It’s odd for me to give into-
this kind of toxicity and I sincerely apologize for my actions. Sharde, if you’re reading this, I apologize for my harshness in our argument and I’d like the opportunity to apologize to you privately. And to all of his followers, your frustration is justified.
I’d be mad if someone targeted one of my friends as well. I’m not a perfect person by any means and I’m pretty toxic but I’ve been making an effort to be better and I hope that this thread helps you see just a bit of that.
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