Reminder: Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is advising Trump's administration on how to rid departments of "disloyal" officials. She is affiliated with far right groups and policies. 1/
Justice "Beer" Kavanaugh is actually a radical conservative, very far right. Also, remember how he warned, "what goes around, comes around" during his confirmation hearing. Also, let's always remember Dr. Christine B. Ford: "Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter." 2/
Justice Roberts, the alleged moderate (which is HILARIOUS to write), has dreamt of gutting the Votings Rights Act for decades and he achieved his wish with Shelby v. Holder in 2013. Don't be fooled by his vote to save Obamacare, look at everything else 3/
Justice Gorsuch.

2 words: Merrick Garland.

Moving on...4/
Justice Alito - the most consistently conservative judge on the Supreme Court. Look at his history of cases involving women's rights. Yeah, not good. Check out LEDBETTER and BURWELL.

Taken together, we have a far right majority on the Supreme Court out of touch with the majority of Americans. They have basically rubberstamped Trump's wishes. They didn't allow the citizenship question for the Census only because it was so egregiously discriminatory...6/
But this is why elections matter. McConnell & Republicans get it. It's not just about the White House. It's about judges, governors, state legislatures, voter suppression, gerrymandering, foreign influence, dark money. Minority rule.

I have little faith in this Supreme Court.
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