As đŸ‡ș🇾 continues to blame density 4 the spread of Corona, consider Seoul, South Korea

Despite being in close proximity to China and — w/ a population of 9.7M — one of the largest cities in Asia, Seoul has had a total of *ZERO* Corona deaths

It’s not density folks, it’s planning
Yes, density is *a* factor. It’s just not *THE* factor. And it’s most certainly not at excuse for the US’s abject failure to properly plan, properly test, and properly execute. Pandemics can unquestionably be controlled in very dense places. The onus is on us.
“BuT yoU cAnT cOmpAre tHe tWo, America Is a dEmOcRacy”
Actually, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), South Korea’s democracy is slightly stronger than the US’s
“ThE US aNd SoUtH KoReA arE CuLtUraLly diFfERenT”
Testing and tracking isn't culture, it's science. Germany drew lessons from South Korea’s testing model and now has one of the lowest Corona fatality rates in Europe.

Be data driven, not ideological.
“ItS nOt PlAnNInG, ItS WeAThEr”
“SoUtH KoReA anD GeRmaNY aRe JuSt TwO cOunTriEs. ThEy aRe OuTliErS. YoUrE ChErRY pIcKinG.”
Not at all. Here’s a list of other places that — through planning, preparation, and execution — got it right.
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