I recently stumbled upon a heavy metal cover of the catchy tune from @witchernetflix called Toss a Coin to Your Witcher. It seems there are a lot of metal covers of this song, so I listened to them all. I now present to you the Top 5! (thread) #TheWitcher #TheWitcherNetflix

Starting us off on our quest for the best heavy metal cover is @FirsttoEleven. Audra Miller is lovely and has a beautiful voice, the band is smooth & tight, but I wish there was a little more edge to the performance. Still, absolutely worth a listen.

I discovered @331EROCK on YouTube a few years ago and I absolutely love his smokin' metal guitar takes on songs from all genres. Here he teams with @JonathanYMusic for a raucous version of our song, complete with a blistering solo by ERock.

Next is a blow-the-doors-off version by @SkarProductions. It's loud. It's raw. It will get your head a-bangin. And it's awesome.

And now for the version that started all this fun. This is @VioletOrlandi’s cover, the one I accidentally stumbled upon & led to discovering this treasure trove of awesome metal covers. Great vocals, heavy drums and grinding guitar. Beauty to my ears.

And finally, here's my favourite cover of Toss a Coin to Your Witcher! @FrogLeapStudios has created a masterful version of our song; a perfect mix of screaming, grinding guitars and pounding bass drum, plus Leo's raw maniacal vocals. A+++
I have to add an Honourable Mention to this esteemed list. This is not a heavy metal version of the song; it is, in fact, an a capella version by @PeterHollens. It is so rich and full, it feels... heavy. I can't explain - just listen and see for yourself.
If you've enjoyed this head banging journey through these awesome covers of this silly & addictive little song, consider tossing a coin to the artists we've been enjoying. Links to their Patreons and other ways to support them are on their YouTube pages.

End thread.
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