. @GovPritzker This is beginning to happen in these stores, but not soon enough. These workers and their families need protection NOW. By the end of the week, or next week is not soon enough. Employees are being exposed on a DAILY basis. Fix this!!! https://twitter.com/881UFCW/status/1247273342035427334
If @jewelosco knows it's a problem now, and has known for weeks, how could these protections not be in place already?? It's pathetic that corporations are not taking care of the people that are showing up every day to keep the stores open. TAKE CARE OF THEM NOW!!!
Until proper measures are put in place, mandate online shopping only, or close the stores There is no need for stores to allow 100+ people in the store at a time, especially when groups of 10 or more are not allowed elsewhere. #ShutItDownNow
People are literally bringing the whole family on a shopping trip. This is not necessary. People are shopping three, four times a week. #StayHome
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