#Madison if you're voting at the polls tomorrow:
1) Check your polling place - ony 66 of our normal 92 are open. https://cityofmadison.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b8e42f700bd1419daaa06667ee421dbc
2) Bring your own black or blue ballpoint pen
3) Sanitize! We'll have hand sanitizer available on the way in and out of the polls.
4) Keep your ballot dry - it needs to make it through the tabulator.
5) Keep your distance - 6 feet between voters. There will be plexiglass shields between you and the poll workers.
6) wear a face covering if you like - poll workers will check your ID against your eyes.
If you're differently abled, ill, have underlying health conditions, are at high risk for COVID-19, or may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 - vote curbside at your polling place. Call the number posted at the curb, and poll workers will come help you.
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