You want some REAL news?
I read every word of this and it's spot on. Dr's, at street level, all everywhere talking about. Detailed medical info about exactly how COVID-19 works, and why Hydroxychloroquine, a Malaria drug, is effective. 
COVID-19 attacks a blood cell's ability to carry oxygen, similar effect to Carbon Monoxide or Malaria. A ventilator can't fix that!

Hydroxychloroquine blocks the virus from being able to disrupt the FE2+ and FE3+ oxygen bonding cycle.

Read up. Don't wait for the MSM.
And who REALY... is Fauci?
Q post 544 only shows a few of the people who were there that day... now we have the full pic.

Fauci is in this as deep as one can be. Trump is making him parade around to get America familiar with his face...
You want freaky?
Covid messes with the Fe2+ / Fe3+ oxygen cycle
Cov Fe Fe

Just saying.
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