Like a great many, I hate the 'dying of' vs 'dying with' distinction ppl are trying to draw for the purposes of downplaying covid. (I obviously don't mind the actual collection of granular an detailed data by health professionals!)

"Well, he had asthma!"

Lots of ppl have underlying conditions. Ppl without ready access to good healthcare have them and nobody knows it. They don't usually get a virus and die like this, because ppl can live with those underlying conditions now, as opposed to many other times in human history.
I think these folks don't realize just how covid19 has turned the clock back. That's one of the most frightening parts of this. Lots of survivable maladies became death sentences. That's not a silver lining!
Covid19 is coming in and finishing off ppl who have exploitable weaknesses like a wind blowing down the vulnerable.

And ppl far less often die alone than they used to, but covid's turning the clock back on that, too. We have a flu vaccine, but not this one. Turn that clock back.
Human support systems are the most vulnerable. The church town where two dozen got it from a funeral. The Hasidic village where a wedding spread a plague. Doctors, nurses, store clerks. Ppl who are there for you when you need it. They're the ones staring this monster in the face.
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