one of the more ghoulish documents from the @practicefusion anti-kickback documents: a spreadsheet of per-patient profit for @purduepharma (oops, i mean "pharma co. x") opioids as part of ROI calculation for PF's illegal "clinical decision support" program
ahaha, prescient
imagining some purdue exec salivating about the incremental increase in bottom line these actual human persons represent
the primary benefit of this "clinical decision support" program was in keeping patients on opioids... that was the direct monetary benefit to purdue
so @practicefusion decided that taking $1m from @purduepharma with the goal of nudging docs to get 2,777 patients on opioids was totally fine
left unstated: how many more patients were prescribed @purduepharma opioids as a result
i take back most of the bad things i've ever said about IRBs
... @purduepharma pays $1m to @practicefusion to implement a CDS that contains a Brief Pain Inventory, then PF has the gall to ask @MDAndersonNews if they can use their BPI for free?!

"let alone for commercial research" THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT IT WAS BEING USED FOR
selling your soul for a million dollars to become 0.013% closer to an IPO and becoming complicit in getting patients hooked on opioids is bad. why not add defrauding a university cancer center over a measly $2,000?
purdue came close to not even being attributed in the CDS alert
ah yes, the pivot
intense focus on moving from IRO (cheap immediate release opioids) to ERO (expensive extended release opioids)... switching from cheap to expensive drug is what provides the ROI to purdue
one $145m fine later...
confusion about why opioids did not change pain scores... this is the closest i have seen to self-awareness in these documents
hey cool the CDS that promised purdue more opioid prescriptions worked
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